About Me

Anna Perigault
Sat Nam! I’m Anna. I am a woman, mother, wife, daughter, teacher, and friend.
I was born in Russia in 1987 and from 2015 living in Paris, France. Since summer 2020 with my family, we are living in Montpellier.
I was working with young kids development, as a fashion model and creating pressed flower art.
I’m a KRI-Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, International School of Sacred Living “Ik Saran Dhian” in France.
My journey with Kundalini Yoga started in December 2016, when I was temporarily living in Los Angeles, California. From my first class, I felt that my heart starts to opening, tears went out and I felt liberated from long-term blockages. Since that day I committed to Kundalini Yoga practice. And changes started to happen...
Sounds Magic? yes and no...
It is about an inner call, happening when you are ready to go deeper into yourself. It process in progress, not perfection. Step by step by creating your everyday spiritual discipline,
finding the balance between busy life and time for You.
I’m deeply grateful for Kundalini Yoga in my life. It allows me to connect with my True-self,
with Divine, to follow my intuition, to have a calm mind and loving open heart.
I am blessed to serve you with Kundalini Yoga Technology and to be on this journey with You.
Sat Nam