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40 days CHALLENGE 21.06-30.07

  • 40 jours

À propos

40-Day Kundalini Yoga Meditation Challenge for the Arc Line and Karma Cleansing Join us for a transformative 40-day Kundalini Yoga challenge, focusing on meditation for the arc line and cleansing accumulated karma. This challenge will take place from June 21 to July 30. Description: This meditation is designed to cleanse the arc line and release stored karma. You will discover the true meaning of Wahe Guru. Remember, the power of the Infinite is within you. When the "I" and the Infinite create an impact, you become truly divine. Otherwise, duality distances you from reality, causing great pain. Schedule and Structure: Duration: June 21 to July 30 Meetings: We will meet 8 times online via Zoom. The rest of the time, participants will practice alone, providing daily reports in a group chat for tracking. I practiced this meditation during my pregnancy and felt great clarity and lightness. It is time to repeat this beneficial practice.

Vous pouvez également rejoindre ce programme via l'appli mobile. Aller sur l'appli



44,00 €


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